Taylor McClish

A little about meh :

     The name's Taylor McClish. I've lived on this beautiful Earth for a little over 16 years. I've lived in Ohio all my life.
     Generally, my life's pretty boring. I don't have a drivers liscense yet, I don't have a job, yet as well. And I live to far from town to walk to anyone's house to hang out. 
     I'm a singer/ songwriter. I've been playing guitar since I was 7ishh. From that time of my life, I'd use  the term 'playing' loosely. My grandparents had bought my little brother and me one of those 'First Act' guitars, those tiny ones that are supposed to encourage kids to play. Well, no one in my family that I knew of could play so the First Act guitar collected dust for a little while. Now I have a average sized acoustic guitar, and electric, both from Fender. I also can play the piano, still working at that though. I have one of those super old Baldwin 'Fun Machines' or whatever. It's like 800 years old, but it works good for the most part. :)
     I also LOVEE acting and modeling. Back in December I graduated from Barbizon Modeling and Acting Schools.... or center... or whatever (I've heard them be called both). That was an amazing experience. I got closer to my dreams thanks to them :). Barbizon left me with experience, self-confidence, life and beauty tips and friends. I am very, very thankful for that.
     A couple of things about me is, first of al, I love the color blue.... Like i LLOOVVEE blue things, especially blue eyes.  I was born Novemeber 30th, so obviously I'm a Sagittarius. ( fun fact: my little brother is also a Sag, but he's 14) I was born in Columbus. I Love to talk. I can talk on the phone to my best friends for a while. One time I talked to a few of my friends as a 3-way party on the phone and we talked for about 4 hours... Racked up some money on that bill. I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, an uncountable number of goldfish in the pond and we used to have a turtle. He was my brothers, we named him Franklin, the turtle no my brother. But we believe Franklin 'ran' away and over to our neighbor's pond... Ironic, right?

     Wanna know a few things I hate? People think they have to put people down to make them selves feel better. I also hate know-it-alls and mean people in general. they make me mad! Whoever they were picking on, most likely, didn't do anything to them. And if they did, you're supposed to rise abouve them and be the bigger person. Don't sink tothey're level. It's also annoying when my desktop loses internet connection  (which is every 5 minutes, I swear). Or when the mouse freezes, for some reason when that happens I always feel clauseterphobic. And I don't know why. 
     Four the last four years, I've been in and out of 'bands' that my friends and me have either made up or I was invited into. Right now one of my best friends and I are trying to be a band, but just in case, I do have songs I've written, I just have to tweek them out a little. 
     I'll be honest, I think I'm trying to grow up too fast. I'm homeschooled right now, so that gives me a lot of responsibilities right there. And both my parents normally work during the day, so no one's there to hold my hand and tell me what needs done. They trust me enough to do everything i need to do. And growing up doesn't mean I have to become someone I'm not, I just embrace who I am alittle stronger. 

     Well that's about it for now. If I think of anything else to add, I'll add it in.

     I'm excited that you actually read all of this :) I commend you to that. I get this was either: boring, long or a complete waste of your time. So thank you. :))

 <3 Taylor